Contact Information of Organization Abroad

Country Unit Adress Phone Fax E-Mail
Algeria Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Algeria 21, Villa Dar El-Quard, Chm. de la Rochelle, Blvd. Col. Bougara Alger-16000 Algeria/Algeria 00213 21 230004 00213 21 230112
Australia Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Melbourn  Level 8-24 Albert Road South VIC 3205 Melbourne/Australia 0061 3 968 22184 0061 3 968 22184
Austria Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Bregenz Senderstrasse 10, 6960 Wolfurt/Austria 0043 557 462518 0043 557 462518
Austria Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Salzburg Strubergasse 9, A-5020 Salzburg/Austria 0043 662 424116 0043 662 424116
Austria Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Vienna Hietzinger Hauptstrasse 29, 1130 Vienna/Austria 0043 1 8760751 0043 187 61830
Azerbaijan Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Baku Samed Vurgun Küçesi No:134, Pk: AZ 1022 Baku/Azerbaijan 0099 412 4499503 0099 412 4499504
Belgium Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Brussels Rue Montoyer 4, 1000 Bruxelles/Belgium 0032 32 2 5133128 0032 322 5133128
Belgium Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office at Permanent Representation of Türkiye to the EU Avenue des Arts, 36-38, 1040 Bruxelles/Belgium 0032 2 289 62 98 0032 2 511 04 50 (Kançılarya)
Canada Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Ottawa 10 Lower Spadina, Suite 300, ,ON M5V 2Z2 Toronto/Canada 001 416 5464466 001 416 5464465
Denmark Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Copenhagen Vestagervej 16, DK 2100 Copenhageng/Denmark 0045 39 101461 0045 39 201017
France Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Lyon 87 Rue De Seze 69006 Lyon/France 0033 4 78 263003 0033 4 78 263003
France Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office at Permanent Representation of Türkiye to OECD 9, Rue Alfred Dehodencq 75016 Paris/France 0033 1 42889845 0033 1 45272824
France Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Paris 44 rue de Sevres 92100 Boulogne Billancourt Paris/France 0033 1 46 990267 0033 1 41 314076
France Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Strasbourg 3 Rue Toreau 67000 Strasbourg/France 0033 388 371427 0033 957 194748
Germany Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Berlin Tiergartenstr.19-21, 19785 Berlin/Germany 0049 30 27896850 0049 30 27896855
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Berlin Heerstr. 21, 14052 Berlin/Germany 0049 30 3415395 0049 30 3424204
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Düsseldorf Willstätter Str.9, 40549 Düsseldorf/Germany 0049 211 4547846
0049 211 538 11385
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Essen Am Zehnthof 55, 45307 Essen/Germany 0049 201 8421633 0049 201 784779
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Frankfurt Kennedyallee 115-117, 60596 Frankfurt/Germany 0049 69 778841 0049 69 778041
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Hamburg Mittelweg 13, 20148 Hamburg/Germany 0049 40 448 09366   0049 40 44809355
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Hannover An der Christuskirche 3, 30167 Hannover /Germany 0049 511 3632509 0049 511 3008104
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Karlsruhe Rintheimer Str. 82, 76131 Karlsruhe/Germany 0049 721 857787 0049 721 84719
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Köln Luxemburger Str. 285, 50354 Hürth/Germany 0049 2233 979690 0049 2233 76732
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Mainz An der Karlsschanze 7, 55131 Mainz/Germany  0049 6131 3294832
0049 6131 9826027
0049 6131 4803365
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Munich Goethestr. 5, 80336 München/Germany 0049 89 55028848 0049 89 55028849
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Münster Lotharingerstr. 25-27, 48157 Münster/Germany 0049 251 4147052 0049 251 28799201
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Nürnberg Regensburger Str.69 ; 90478 Nürnberg/Germany 0049 911 260166
0049 911 9467634
0049 911 4099293
Germany Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Stuttgart Kernerplatz 7, 70182 Stuttgart/Germany 0049 711 16667510 00 49 711 88786299
Kazakhistan Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Nur-Sultan Taşenova Str. 3 010002 Nur-Sultan/Kazakhistan 0077 172 704666 0077 172 425605
Kuwait Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Kuwait  Embassies Area, Block: 5 Yemen Street Plot No: I6 Kuwait City/Kuwait 0096 5222 77413 00965 225 23049
Libya Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Tripoli Turkish Embasy P.O.Box: 947, Tripoli/Libya 00218 21 3401140 00218 21 3401146
Netherland Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Deventer Keizerstraat 8, 7411 HG Deventer/Netherland 0031 570 619554
Netherland Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in the Hague Jan Evertstraat 15, 2514 BS Den Haag/Netherland 0031 70 3617681
Netherland Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Rotterdam Westblaak 2, 3012 KK Rotterdam/Netherland 0031 10 4144052
Qatar Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Doha Al-Katifiya Zone 66 Al Rabwa Street 310 Diplomatic Arca Dafna P.O.Box: 1977 Doha/Qatar 00974 449 51317 00974 449 51320
Russia Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Moscow 7 Rostovskiy Peureulok 12 115127 Moskova/Russia 007 926 7976434 007 495 9565597
Saudi Arabia Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Jeddah P.O.Box 70, Jeddah 21411 Jeddah/Saudi Arabia 00966 2 6654873 00966 2 2840945
Saudi Arabia Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Riyadh P.O.Box : 94 390 Riyad, 11693 Riyad/Saudi Arabia 00966 1 4887954
00966 1 4880101
00966 1 4887954
Sweden Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Stockholm Dag Hammarskjölds Vag 20 115 27 PO Box: 24105 10451 Stockholm/Sweden 0046 8 4505103
Switzerland Labour and Social Security Attaché’s Office in Zürich Weinbergstasse 65, CH-8006 Zürich/Switzerland 0041 44 3639313
Switzerland Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Bern Lombachweg 33 CH-3006 Bern/Switzerland 0041 31 351 06 29 0041 31 3528819
Switzerland Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office at Permanent Representation of Türkiye to UN’s Geneva Office 28B, Chemin du Petit-Saconnex, 1209 Cenevre/Switzerland 0041 22 9185082 0041 22 733 27 97
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Nicosia Bedrettin Demirel Cad.99010 Lefkoşa/KKTC 0090 392 6003119 0090 3922273717
Turkmenistan Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Ashgabat Göroğlu Köçesi No:9 Ashgabat/Turkmenistan 0099 312 379169 0099 312 942326
United Arab Emirates Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Abu Dhabi Embassies Area, W59-02 /1, No:34, P.O.Box:3204,Abu Dhabi/United Arab Emirates 00971 2 4413211
00971 2 4109915
00971 2 4413312
United Kingdom Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in London Rutland Lodge, Rutland Court SW7 1BW Londra/United Kingdom 0044 207 5815988 0044 207 5916911
United States of America Labour and Social Security Counsellor’s Office in Washington 2525 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20008 ABD 001 212 6126796