13 Ocak 2023, Cuma

Concerning the Receivables of our Employees Working in the bankrupt SAUDI OGER Ltd.

As a result of the contacts maintained with Saudi authorities, it has been learnt that Bankruptcy Commission of Saudi Oger Ltd. established for payment of the receivables of employees working in Saudi Oger Ltd. has no access to updated information relating to some of our citizens.

Therefore, it is of importance that our citizens, who have receivables from the aforementioned company, update their information before 19.01.2023 on the URL (https:/ehqaq.sa/saudioger), namely “Ehqaq portal”. It has been announced that applications lodged by our citizens could be rejected in case of lack of the updating procedures requested.  

Furthermore, the e-mail address (Yousef-alswailem@saudiogerb.com) has been provided for questions regarding Saudi Oger Ltd., which will be responded, as announced by the relevant company. 

Kindly submitted for information of our citizens concerned.